In the future when we have a more permanent fix, we plan to re-enable the new pipeline because it makes for better game performance, but when we do that, we’ll be adding the equivalent of a switch on our side that we can turn off (to fall back to the old system) if we see these kinds of issues crop up again, rather than make you wait for another patch. The patch for Xbox One requires a bit more time with first party certification, and we’re targeting a publish during the week of December 4. This patch is currently with first party certification for testing the patch for PlayStation 4 and PC/Mac will be published next Tuesday, November 28. Further, we’re introducing a new failsafe that will force your load screen to drop after two minutes if it is only waiting on textures. First, we’re going to be reverting to the old pipeline which doesn’t have this issue, but may affect how quickly you see other characters loading in (this will essentially be the same as it was before Clockwork City). While we continue to work on fixing this issue fully, we’re going to be making two changes to an upcoming incremental patch. Unfortunately, this new pipeline was causing some character textures to get lost, which was causing the load screen to never drop because there were still textures that need to be loaded.

So, what was the bug? In Update 16, we added in a new system that refined the character texture loading pipeline as part of our ongoing effort to increase performance and framerate in high-intensity situations (such as in Cyrodiil and densely-populated cities). The source of the long loading screens came down to a bug we introduced in the Clockwork City DLC. We’d like to explain what happened to cause the recent issue with long loading screens, and what we’re doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Maybe the "Steam" has a Dwemer technology secretly installed xD Superior Dwarven Valves! I've just re-checked another video Alki'rs Desert log in less than 18 seconds. Often I do not believe in rumours,Nearly never! Go steam! Though there might be some blessing from the Steam xD I've heard a few users even dare to use it for unknown reasons. Login in within Deshaan/Capital pf the Ebonheart pact ~ Mournhold 38+10 Megaserver,Realm. Requesting Character Load 10 seconds the longest I've had. I have been recording the game since March 14th If I recall the correct date, even at the peak Twas perhaps 30 seconds - 40 seconds with Multiple tabs open,Uploading another video on You-tube and recording another in the same time I have't had any unpleasant, insufferable unbelievably Long Loading Screen times since the very start of my Adventures.